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ComNetworkCHI: Exploring Racial Equity Communications

calendar_month Date: December 9, 2020

schedule Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Central

event ComNetLOCAL Event

This event has ended.



COVID-19 Mapping Project Slides

COVID-19 has brought America’s systemic racism into clear view, and in Chicago two important new collaborative initiatives have emerged that offer an opportunity to address our legacy of racist public policies and systems, and to shift the narrative.

The COVID Mapping Project maps the impact of COVID-19 on Cook County communities and overlays that map with other social science maps to better understand the causes of inequities in health outcomes from the pandemic.

Together We Rise is an unprecedented coalition uniting partners from across philanthropy, business, and government with community residents. TWR seeks to direct economic development investment to areas of the city that have been left behind.

We’ll learn about the initiatives and then brainstorm. How can we use data to build understanding? How can the ComNet community support strategic communications for these initiatives? How can our organizations advance the work? Can we envision and create a narrative for a more equitable path forward?


For more information, visit the ComNetworkCHICAGO website

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